2011-04-21 | 16:25:01

seeing you makes my day

Asso shiiiiiiiiet, är verkligen stolt över mig själv ! Har skrivit nästan sju A4-sidor på min svenska berättelse, börjar dessutom känna mig lite nöjd med den. HAPPINES. Ska fortsätta lite för jag är så cool, men sen måste jag springa över till pappa med kläderna jag ska ha med mig imorgon, byta om och sen vid 18 ska jag på påskmiddag med mammas släkt. Har ganska mycket jag måste fixa innan dess så det här bli nog sista inlägget innan det.

Natural beauty.

Johnossi - Family Values

I had a sister named Emma
Missisippi is a river that floats in the states
Just like the memory and the wisdom of the water
our souls were connected in so many ways
Even though we haven't talked for a while
I'm still waiting for the day to come when you wll arrive
I'm sorry if I ruined happy times we've been through
But know I wonder, if I can spend my days withough you and

I had a mother and her name was Carolina
Carolina is a states in the state
I think it's fifty but there's only one mother
and she won't even look in my face
You know I'd give it all to be loved by you again
but everything's my fault so I carry the blame
But now I'm growing, I get older while the days pass by
Soon I'll be dying knowing you won't even look me in the eyes

And it's sad, so sad. Family values.

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